

CrossFit Kids & Teens at Templar is a strength and conditioning program designed for young athletes.  Our goal is to make fitness FUN while delivering fitness that is scalable for any participant at any level, age or ability.
051813_9904Workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements, executed at a high intensity. No two workouts are the same, so young athletes never get bored and the novelty of each workout keeps them excited about participating. The functional movements involve exercises that are fundamental to all things needed to play sports, participate in athletics and compete.  All movements are taught safely and effectively under the close supervision of certified trainers.734008_10151405005830017_1728302927_n

We use a combination of skill practice, workouts and games to build young people’s strength and conditioning. Ten General Physical Skills are the base for any sport your athlete may pursue.

Cardiovascular Endurance – Can you get enough oxygen to your body?
Stamina – Can you get enough energy to your muscles?
Strength – How much can you lift?
Flexibility – Can you touch your toes?
Power – How much work can you do in the least amount of time?
Speed – How fast can you go?
Coordination – Can you pat your head and rub your stomach?
Accuracy – Can you kick a soccer ball or shoot a puck into the net?
Agility – How quickly can you change direction?
Balance – Can you stand on one foot? With your eyes shut?

Why CrossFit Templar Teens/Tweens:  There are a number of different programs out there to help young athletes train for their sport of choice, but very few that offer a training that trains for the unknown and unknowable on the field, rink, court, track, etc. CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movements executed at a high intensity.  This simple yet ever changing fitness engages and pushes an athlete to excel.  Bottom line CrossFit produces results and keeps kids and teens challenged and coming back for more.033013_8457

CONTACT: Tiffany@crossfittemplar.com OR 651-485-3909

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